Monday, November 17, 2008

Nuclear Waste Dump Senate Inquiry

The Federal Government is conducting a Senate Inquiry into the future of the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act (CRWMA).
This undemocratic piece of legislation allows a federal nuclear waste dump to be forced on the Territory.
Despite a clear election promise from the ALP to repeal this act, almost a year later, this has not been followed through.
Four areas are still under assessment due to the CRWMA - Mt Everard, Fishers Ridge, Harts Range and Muckaty.

Public hearings start in Alice Springs on Monday November 17.
We need a strong turnout from the local community to show there is continued opposition to this proposal.
Tell the federal government - Don't dump on the Territory!

Monday November 17
12pm, Crowne Plaza Lawns
Speakers include people from affected areas and local organisations.

Public hearing times:
Monday November 17, 1pm - 5pm
Tuesday November 18, 8am - 11am
Crowne Plaza Ballroom AB
Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please pass this message on to all of your family, friends and networks.

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