Monday, October 13, 2008

Garnaut Climate Change Review

The Garnaut Climate Change Review presented its Final Report to the Prime Minister of Australia and the eight states and territories on 30 September 2008.

The Review was an independent study conducted by economist Professor Ross Garnaut, commissioned by Australia's Commonwealth, state and territory governments in 2007.

Although the Review is now complete, the Garnaut Climate Change Review web site will be available as an ongoing resource where you will find all materials released by the Review, including reports, papers and transcripts from public addresses. Submissions to the Review are also available.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grants for Handing Down Knowledge

The Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Program (IEK) now has funding available for projects that support younger people learning about how to look after country properly from Elders and other knowledge holders.

Grants are available until late 2009.

The themes and purpose of the project must clearly be:

* time spent in the presence of senior knowledge holders
* learning and observing traditional custodianship and respect for the land
* nurturing an enthusiasm for cultural and natural resource management practice in the younger generation while undertaking relevant on-country activities
* developing an understanding of the complex traditional relationships between land and the people, providing a clearer understanding of traditional land management

This program services people living in the Central Land Council areas.

Contact Project officer, Nikki Brannigan: Tel: (08) 8950 5005

Central Land Council
Handing Down Knowledge Program
Supported by funding provided by the Australian and Northern Territory Governments

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Native Plant Sale

Greening Australia' Native Plant Sale is taking place on Saturday 11th October 9am-12noon.

The sale takes place at the GA nursery which is located on the Charles Darwin University Campus - enter via entrance 2 on Grevillea Drive.

The nursery is also open for sales every Thursday, 9am-4pm.

For more info call 8953 2882